Wednesday, September 29, 2010


First Generation (1950’s):
·         The vacuum tubes were used in the circuits of these computers.
·         The input and output operations were done using punched card technology.

·         For external storage, magnetic tapes were used.
·         The machine was capable to do one job at a time, therefore batch processing was adopted.
·         The language used by these computers was machine language and assembly language.
·         Example of Computers: UNIVAC, IBM 650 etc.

Second Generation (1960’s):
·        Transistors were used in the circuits.
·        The input operations were performed using punched cards and magnetic tapes and for output operations, punched cards and papers were used.
·        For external storage magnetic tapes were used.
         ·        The orientation was towards multiple users i.e. the machine was capable to process multiple tasks concurrently.
·        The high level languages like FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC etc. were used as the languages by the computer.
·        Example of Computers: IBM 1400 and 7000 series, General Electric 635 etc.

Third Generation (1970’s):
  •     Integrated circuits replaced transistors. Inspite of their smaller size they were capable to perform better than transistors.
  •     For data input and output operations monitors and keyboards replaced the punched cards.
  •     For external storage magnetic disks were used.
  •     Sophisticated operating systems, which were capable of handling several jobs concurrently were used.
  •     More advanced high level languages like PASCAL were used.
  •     Example of computers: IBM System

Fourth Generation (1980’s):
n     The circuits used VLSI and microprocessors of virtually microscopic size, which led to drastic cut on the size of computer.
n     The input output devices were the same monitors, keyboard, printer etc.
n     Micro computers have evolved.
n     Magnetic disks were the primary devices used for external storage.
n     The use of special software for maintaining large data bases became popular.
n     The application software for micro computer essentially became popular in this generation.
n     Examplcomputers: IBM Systems

Fifth Generation (late 1990’s):

n     The computers of this generation use optic fibre technology to handle Artificial Intelligence.
n     These computers have capacity to think and reason which can be used to solve problems where human intelligence is required.
n     Expert Systems are examples of systems implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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